strongly supports the deployment of a Fibre-to-the-Premises National Broadband Network in Australia – a prerequisite to enable the growth of Australia’s Information economy, education and R&D capabilities.

Here are our current popular posts concerning the NBN:

Letter from our Director of R&D Vladimir Lasky to Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull explaining why a Fibre-to-the-Premises NBN is more economically sound than a Fibre-to-the-Node NBN:

Letter from our Director of R&D Vladimir Lasky to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, explaining why extending fibre-optic cable all the way to customers’ homes is not “wacko”:

Letter from our Director of R&D Vladimir Lasky to News Corp Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch, requesting clarification on his and News Corp’s view of the NBN and a response to suggestions in the media that they are unfairly influencing the government’s NBN policy:

Why advances in wireless communications will NOT make fibre-optic networks like the NBN unnecessary:

Summary of Internode founder Simon Hackett’s proposal to simply and lower the cost of building the Australian National Broadband Network (NBN). Simon was recently appointed by Malcolm Turnbull as a non-executive director of the NBN Co board. His proposal is titled “NBN Fibre on a Copper Budget”

How the small rural community of Olds in Alberta, Canada built a Fibre-To-The-Premises (FTTP) Gigabit broadband network, despite many obstacles. Something that should inspire everyone not to give up:

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